Our SAT Biology exam experts show you how to master the test and score higher.
Revised edition contains the latest information on the SAT Biology E/M test. In-depth reviews cover all exam topics: chemistry of life, cells, genetics, biodiversity, classification, and
more. Build test skills with 6 full-length practice exams. Study smarter with detailed answers to practice questions. Follow up your study with REA's test strategies, drills & study
TESTware software on CD-ROM features:
- 2 full-length timed practice exams for the closest experience to taking a live exam
- Automatic & instant scoring for immediate feedback
- Detailed, on-screen explanations for all questions
- 6 full-length practice exams
- Targeted reviews that hone test skills & max study efforts
- Thoroughly detailed explanations for all practice exam questions
- Packed with strategies, powerhouse drills & schedule guidelines
- Windows CD-ROM with 2 timed, computerized practice exams & instant scoring