It Was Easy to Set the Snow on Fire
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From the Unreached Let Perception Radiate
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The Absolute Gravedigger
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Miximum Ca’ Canny the Sabotage Manuals
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Los naufragios del desierto
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Vulture in a Cage
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First Nights: Poems
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Apocalypse Mix
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Poetic Fragments
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Subjoyride: Selected Poems
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Juliusz Slowacki’s Agamemnon’s Tomb: A Polish Oresteia
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Cold Moons
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Love Is a Place
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The Collected Poems Volume 2
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The Divine Comedy: Inferno-purgatory-paradise
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Love Lessons: Selected Poems of Alda Merini
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Didactic Poetries
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Selected Poems
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Like Bits of Wind: Selected Poetry and Poetic Prose 1974-2014
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Davide Rondoni: Art in the Movement of Creation