The events of September 11, 2001 forever changed the dynamics for importing products into the United States. In dramatic fashion, these changes have forced procurers of foreign merchandise to
revisit current U.S. Customs’ rules and regulations, reevaluate their company’s existing import procedures, and consider further stabilizing and strengthening their Customs compliance. Global
Sourcing & Purchasing–Post 9/11 will provide an avenue for establishing a stronger and more organized approach to a corporate import supply chain structure, complete with the necessary
infrastructure and supporting systems and methodology.
This book provides readers with a clear path through the unknown. It captures all of the new requirements that are being enforced upon importing firms at a rapid pace, and revisit existing
rules and regulations, providing insight to their purpose. The authors give procurement and supply chain leaders guidance on how to establish successful in-house import operations and present
ideas to enhance existing operations.