On April 29, 2003, the Zicklin School of Business hosted a trading conference titled, Coping With Institutional Order Flow. This conference was electronically recorded and later transcribed for
this book. The text includes the edited transcript of the panel discussions and separate presentations by two major industry executives, Richard Ketchum’ and Robert Mc Sweeney. As with the
other volumes in this popular series, this book is not simply intended to be an historical record of the conference. We have edited the manuscript for clarity, perspective and context. New
material was gathered in subsequent interviews with many of the panelists. Consequently, some remarks and passages in the text were altered and expanded and many footnotes were introduced. Our
goal was to flesh out the dialogue and presentations and to keep the material as contemporary as possible. In doing so, we went to great lengths to preserve the essential nature of the original
debate. We worked closely with the panelists in the editing process and took pains not to distort the meaning of their remarks. They have all approved the final draft of the manuscript. We
thank them for their assistance and patience. my opening remarks at the conference, I suggested that effective handling of institutional order flow is one of the most important and difficult At
the time of the conference, Richard Ketchum was President and Deputy Chairman at The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. Preface xiv challenges facing our equity markets today.