The School of Montaigne in Early Modern Europe
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Memoir of Burns
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Wordmongers: Manuscript Culture in the Age of Print and the Case of Nineteenth-century Iceland
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Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression
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Old English Poetry in Context
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Actividad Teatral En La Region De Toledo, 1612-1630: Estudio Y Documentos
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Ben Jonson
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Literature and Sustainability: Concept, Text and Culture
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Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
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Dickens and the Virtual City: Urban Perception and the Production of Social Space
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Old English Poetry in Context
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Evelyn Waugh
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Tristram Shandy
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L’academie Royale De Richelieu
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Walks With Walser
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Revolutionary Damnation: Badiou and Irish Fiction from Joyce to Enright
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Samuel Beckett and Science
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Old Norse Mythology: Comparative Perspectives
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Evelyn Waugh
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Nation and Citizenship in the Twentieth-century British Novel