The Miller Analogies Test is widely used to screen applicants to graduate level academic programs and as a placement exam for management positions in many businesses. It is a timed
word-association test. This updated manual prepares applicants by presenting a diagnostic test and ten additional full-length practice exams. Self-scoring answer keys follow each test, and
answer sheets for test-takers' use are located at the back of the book. Test-takers will also find approximately 1300 additional practice exam questions with answers, plus advice on solving
analogy problems. This edition's updated introduction fully explains recent revisions to the MAT test, including the addition of experimental questions, many of which are included among this
manual's added practice questions. Helpful brush-up check lists cover graduate level vocabulary with brief definitions, selected foreign words and phrases used in English and their meanings,
and names of important persons in history, science, technology, and the arts that test-takers should recognize.