All you need to play is a chip and a chair--and this straight from the start guide to the hottest, most popular form of poker around.
Ben Affleck plays it, Allision Janney plays it, even Jason Alexander plays it. It's the game as big as all Texas, and the so-called "Cadillac of poker." With shows like Celebrity Poker
Showdown winning an avid audience, it seems everyone wants to get dealt in. Don't let the fun pass you by, because every rule and trick is explained in this first-ever truly complete
guide to success in today's Texas hold'em games. Written by a professional player, it reveals everything you need to know to beat cash games for thousands of dollars. Begin with the most
general concepts and move on to pot and implied odds; betting; bluffing and semi-bluffing; deception; flop, turn and river play; and other techniques of the table--including some advanced
ones. And, because it's less about the cards you've got in your hand than your ability to psych-out your competitors--there's also plenty of advice on honing that skill, too.