The author learned the tragedies of war on the home front when two of his friends married young men who went off to war but did not return. Now, remembering the heartbroken widows and the
children who would never know their fathers, he has rewoven the warp and weft of life's fortunes into a tapestry more pleasant to look upon. On their high-school graduation day, Ellen meets
Linda's cousin, Paul, a decorated World War II Navy fighter pilot. In less than a month they are married. And then the misfortune of war that nearly destroys Ellen's happiness brings Linda
face-to-face with Philip, a promising young medical student who sweeps her off her feet and right into his heart. Two girls as talented as they are beautiful, a war that threatens to doom them
both to a lifetime of sorrow, and two young men with uncommon skills for survival are blended together in a down-to-earth, lighthearted story that will tug at your heart, make you laugh, and
perhaps make you believe the legend of the big rock.