Clackson died while compiling and commenting on the documents, and her husband James Clackson completed the study. The documents are concerned with the day-to-day administration of an Egyptian
monastery in the eighth century, and contribute to the growing documentation regarding the important Monastery of Apollo at Bawit that has been accumulating over the past decade. Most of the
texts are orders issued by a monastic superior to various subordinates; 13 of these have been published previously. Also included are associated texts written earlier on the same piece of
papyrus as the orders; these are predominantly letters and contracts, mostly in a very fragmentary state. The title of the collection comes from the standard opening formula of the orders: "It
is our father who writes to his son." The orders are arranged by signatory, but also listed by date, addressee, and scribe. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. Annotation
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