Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?

Who Was Thomas Alva Edison?
NT $ 199


  One day in 1882, Thomas Edison flipped a switch that lit up lower Manhattan with incandescent light and changed the way people live ever after. The electric light bulb was only one of thousands of Edison's inventions, which include the phonograph and the kinetoscope, an early precursor to the movie camera. As a boy, observing a robin catch a worm and then take flight, he fed a playmate a mixture of worms and water to see if she could fly! Here's an accessible, appealing biography with 100 black-and-white illustrations.

  他,是個好奇心與觀察心極強,待蟲如友的小孩;他,12歲就離開學校,一生都是個重聽患者;他,是人人皆知的【電燈泡】發明者,此發明改變了人類的世界,本書介紹的他,就是鼎鼎大名的-愛迪生。從小就好奇心很強的愛迪生, 可是曾親自坐臥在草堆上,試著如母雞般孵出小雞的孩子呢!他的實驗家精神真是值得學習。在愛迪生孩提時代,沒有電燈,更沒有廣播、電影這些生活娛樂,在他發明出電燈泡以及更多關於電的應用,人們的生活品質就邁入了更方便與更進步的新紀元,愛迪生可說是當代最傑出的發明家。 此系列小說搭配風格度特的人物插畫與圖表解說,並以不同主題來分配章節帶領讀者閱讀,書籍最後還附上年鑑對照表,絕對是適合孩子的優良讀物。

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