Shakin’ Up Race And Gender: Intercultural Connections in Puerto Rican, African American, And Chicano Narratives And Culture (19

Shakin’ Up Race And Gender: Intercultural Connections in Puerto Rican, African American, And Chicano Narratives And Culture (19
NT $ 2,025
  • 作者:Marta E.Sanchez
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2006-01-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0292706936
  • ISBN13:9780292706934
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 202頁 / 2.5 x 15.9 x 22.9 cm / 普通級


The second phase of the civil rights movement (1965-1973) was a pivotal period in the development of ethnic groups in the United States. In the years since then, new generations have asked new questions to cast light on this watershed era. No longer is it productive to consider only the differences between ethnic groups; we must also study them in relation to one another and to U.S. mainstream society.

In "Shakin' Up" Race and Gender, Marta E. S獺nchez creates an intercultural frame to study the historical and cultural connections among Puerto Ricans, African Americans, and Chicanos/as since the 1960s. Her frame opens up the black/white binary that dominated the 1960s and 1970s. It reveals the hidden yet real ties that connected ethnics of color and "white" ethnics in a shared intercultural history. By using key literary works published during this time, S獺nchez reassesses and refutes the unflattering portrayals of ethnics by three leading intellectuals (Octavio Paz, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Oscar Lewis) who wrote about Chicanos, African Americans, and Puerto Ricans. She links their implicit misogyny to the trope of La Malinche from Chicano culture and shows how specific characteristics of this trope—enslavement, alleged betrayal, and cultural negotiation—are also present in African American and Puerto Rican cultures. S獺nchez employs the trope to restore the agency denied to these groups. Intercultural contact—encounters between peoples of distinct ethnic groups—is the theme of this book.

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