Mcgraw-Hill’s Sat II: Biology E/M

Mcgraw-Hill’s Sat II: Biology E/M
NT $ 523


Everything students need to ace the SAT II exams

As if taking the SAT I weren’t traumatic enough, many colleges and universities require applicants to take one or more SAT II tests to demonstrate their mastery of specific high school subjects. The five books in McGraw-Hill’s SAT II series cover tests taken by more than 475,000 students each year. Written by experts in their respective fields, these first-rate preparation guides arm students with everything they need to ace the tests, including:

  • Diagnostic exams that pinpoint relative strengths and weaknesses
  • Numerous full-length sample tests
  • Hundreds of problems with complete solutions
  • Step-by-step reviews of all topics covered in each exam
  • Classroom-tested strategies to help students earn top scores
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