Set during the aftermath of the Great siege of Middenhelm. This is the second installment of a trilogy of adventures that pits the players against the dark forces of chaos. This supplement
takes adventure to the capitol of the Empire, Altdorf and the intrigue in the colleges of magic. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP or WHFRP) is a roleplaying system created by Games Workshop. It
is set in the Old World, which bears some resemblance to late medieval / renaissance Europe. The world is threatened by the forces of Chaos. The major power in the Old World is the Empire, in
which most of the adventures are located. The Empire itself is a country full of intrigue, conspiracies, and dark plots. BL Publishing is the publishing wing of the world famous Games Workshop
group of companies. As well as its new Black Industries imprint, the division is also home to the Black Library, which has been producing best-selling and award-winning novels, comics and
artbooks set in the worlds of Warhammer since 1997. It also includes the Black Flame fiction imprint for non-Warhammer titles, and Warhammer Historical Wargames. Warhammer Fantasy Battle was
originally published in 1986 and subsequently licensed to Hogshead Publishing. This is the second edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.