For architects, designers, and decision-makers, Ghiaus and Allard (U. of La Rochelle, France) compile 11 chapters pertaining to the use of natural ventilation in urban buildings as a low-energy
cooling technique. The authors, who are researchers from Europe, discuss natural ventilation, its physics, its relationship to urban environments, its use for indoor air quality, noise
reduction, pollution, and techniques and methodology for its use. A supplementary CD-ROM contains software for assessing a site, estimating wind speed, and dimensioning the openings. The volume
comes out of work done by teams in the European project "URBVENT: Natural Ventilation in the Urban Environment," which was part of the Fifth Research and Development Programme of the
Directorate for Science, Research and Development of the European Commission. Distributed by Stylus. Annotation 穢2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (