50 Architects You Should Know
$698 -
The Living Tradition of Architecture: Alberto Perez-Gomez - Christian Frost - Dagmar Weston - David Leatherbarrow - Gabriele Bry
$8,100 -
The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos Set: Wall Scenes / Pillars, Miscellany, and Inscriptions
$24,750 -
Decorated Revisited: English Architectural Style in Context, 1250-1400
$5,130 -
The Georgian Churches of Oski and Iskhani: Architecture and Ornament
$10,800 -
Modern Architecture Kuwait: Essays, Arguments, Interviews
$1,575 -
Architectural Quality: A Note on Architectural Policy
$1,123 -
City of Refuge: Separatists and Utopian Town Planning
$2,025 -
Autant De Modeles De Bon Gout: Jean-francois De Neufforge Et L’architecture Du Xviie Siecle
$5,445 -
Barcelona: Manifold Grids and the Cerda Plan
$875 -
Architecture As Profession: The Origins of Architectural Practice in the Low Countries in the Fifteenth Century
$5,040 -
Gothic Church Architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, C. 1209-c. 1373: Design and Patronage
$5,085 -
The Hotel De Cluny in Paris, Tradition and Innovation in French Fifteenth Century Domestic Architecture
$5,085 -
The Idea of the Gothic Cathedral: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Meanings of the Medieval Edifice in the Modern Period
$5,625 -
Architecture and Urbanism in the British Empire
$2,925 -
Heidegger’s Hut
$698 -
Escape from Democratic Kampuchea
$640 -
Post-War Reconstruction in the Netherlands 1945-1965: The Future of a Bright and Brutal Heritage
$1,925 -
Hangzhou: Grids from Canal to Maxi-Block
$875 -
Chicago: Two Grids Between Lake and River