Proven tax strategies that any homeowner can use to maximize the benefits of home ownershi
There are 65 million homeowners in the U.S. and there are almost as many tax savings opportunities offered to them. Beyond the garden-variety deductions for mortgage interest and real estate
taxes, J.K. Lassers Homeowners Tax Breaks, Second Edition reveals a treasure chest of tax breaks that any homeowner can use. These include such little-known breaks as getting tax-free rent
from a short-term home rental, using the generous $250,000/$500,000 home sale exclusion to shelter gain from the sale of other real estate, and pocketing tax-free mortgage proceeds when
trading up to a more expensive home. A lively, concise, and plain-language explanation of tax rules for homeowners, this ultimate resource for all homeowners has been completely updated to
reflect all the changes in the tax law
Gerald J. Robinson (Stamford, CT) is an attorney at Carb, Luria, Cook and Kufeld, LLP. He is the author of the treatise, Federal Income Taxation of Real Estatecurrently in its sixth
editionwhich is considered the bible of real estate tax for practitioners. Mr. Robinson holds an LLM in taxation from New York University