What’s the Use of Walking If There’s a Freight Train Going Your Way?: Black Hoboes & Their Songs
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Talking Music 2: Blues and Roots, Music Mavericks
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The Original Blues: The Emergence of the Blues in African American Vaudeville
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Motherless Child: The Definitive Biography of Eric Clapton
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Willie Dixon: Preacher of the Blues
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Boom’s Blues: Music, Journalism, and Friendship in Wartime
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Albert Murray: Collected Essays & Memoirs: The Omni-Americans / South to a Very Old Place / the Hero and the Blues / Stomping th
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Blues Unlimited: Essential Interviews from the Original Blues Magazine
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Chicago Blues
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Early Blues: The First Stars of Blues Guitar
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The Art of the Blues: A Visual Treasury of Black Music’s Golden Age
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Music for a Mixed Taste: Style, Genre, and Meaning in Telemann’s Instrumental Works
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John Lee "Sonny Boy" Williamson: The Blues Harmonica of Chicago’s Bronzeville
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I’m Just Dead, I’m Not Gone
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Alfred’s Basic Guitar Method, Complete: The Most Popular Method of Learning How to Play, For Individual or Class Instruction, In
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Complete Blues Guitar: Beginning - Intermediate - Mastering
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Sonic Virtuality: Sound As Emergent Perception
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Say No to the Devil: The Life and Musical Genius of Rev. Gary Davis
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Say No to the Devil: The Life and Musical Genius of Rev. Gary Davis
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