Painters in a quandary can open this question-and-answer reference to the 101 most common problems that stump watercolorists. Hundreds of photos and drawings of finished paintings, with
illustrations of steps along the way, explain the solutions to dilemmas like: Why do some colors have different textural qualities? How do I stop paint from running? How can I add texture to
a wash? How do I paint storm clouds, moving water, natural flesh tones? Special “Do and Don’t” boxes accompany each set of questions and contain tips on how to plan a painting before you
start, choose subject matter, master composition and perspective, and represent time of day, weather, season, land- and seascapes, and people of different ages and cultures.
Painters in a quandary can open this question-and-answer reference to the 101 most common problems that stump watercolorists. Hundreds of photos and drawings of finished paintings, with
illustrations of steps along the way, explain the solutions to dilemmas like: Why do some colors have different textural qualities? How do I stop paint from running? How can I add texture to
a wash? How do I paint storm clouds, moving water, natural flesh tones? Special “Do and Don’t” boxes accompany each set of questions and contain tips on how to plan a painting before you
start, choose subject matter, master composition and perspective, and represent time of day, weather, season, land- and seascapes, and people of different ages and cultures.