London has never been so desired or desirable and visitors from all over the world are clamoring to be a part of the most exciting city in Europe. This colorful, fully updated guide about
Cadogan's home city takes in the fast-changing art galleries, museums, sights, scenes, and shops, as well as revealing London's fascinating history. The youthful glamour of Notting Hill, the
elegance of Knightsbridge, and the gritty chic of Soho are all explored, alongside newer sites such as the London Eye and Tate Modern. Lesser-known delights are also revealed, including the
latest art discoveries, the best markets and the quirkiest bookstores. Vastly expanded listings--more than any other competitive guide--are clearly mapped and include all the latest places to
stay, bars, restaurants, and cafes, including the Cadogan team's own favorite haunts!