Unbelievable: Living on the Edge and Breaking Barriers
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Successfully Skipper a Sailboat: Modern Lessons from the Fastest-growing Global Sailing Education and Certification Program: Beg
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Communication and Sport: Surveying the Field
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An Introduction to the Historical C
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Self-Determination in Global Sport Performance: Endure to the End
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Sports on the Couch
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Baseball America Directory 2017
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Go!: An Inspirational Guide to Getting Outside and Challenging Yourself
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Press Box Revolution: How Sports Reporting Has Changed over the Past Thirty Years
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Mr. Darley’s Arabian: High Life, Low Life, Sporting Life: A History of Racing in 25 Horses
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Marathon Woman: Running the Race to Revolutionize Women’s Sports
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Prepper’s Total Grid Failure Handbook: Alternative Power, Energy Storage, Low Voltage Appliances, and Other Lifesaving Strategie
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The Mental ABCs of Pitching: A Handbook for Performance Enhancement
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Attitude: Develop a Winning Mindset On and Off the Court
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The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study
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A History of Lehigh University’s Athletic Extra-Curriculum, 1866-1998
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Failed Olympic Bids and the Transformation of Urban Space: Lasting Legacies?
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Olympic Education: An International Review
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The Mental Keys to Hitting: A Handbook of Strategies for Performance Enhancement
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Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise