Using an interview format, this book brings out the many different facets of the Nei Jia Quan, the umbrella name for Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi), Xing Yi Quan, and Ba Gua Zhang. Each teacher gives a
sense of the history of their art, its philosophical and spiritual underpinnings, and their training philosophy, giving students strategies for incorporating a wide range of approaches into
their own studies. Included is additional commentary on these traditions, along with biographies of each of the teachers. Nei Jia Quan also features interviews with Tim Cartmell, Gabriel
Chin, Gail Derin-Kellog, Bruce Kumar Frantizis, Paul Gale, Fong Ha, William Lewis, Luo De Xiu, Allen Pittman, James Wing Woo, Tony Yang, Zhao DaYuan, and Albert Liu.