Let's hear it for Mom. She washes your clothes; she cooks your favorite meals; she keeps a happy, well-run home, and she does it all with a smile. She must enjoy picking up your dirty socks,
right? Not so fast. As Mother Knows Best shows, Mom has other ideas about motherhood, even if you never hear her complain.At first glance, Mother Knows Best appears to be a homey collection of
happy sentiments voiced by contented mothers of a bygone era. Look closer, though, and literally read between the lines to find out what Mom really thinks about cooking, cleaning, and
motherhood in general. Only Mom could deliver these funny lines with such a serene smile: MOTHERdoes all the work but Father still thinks heKNOWS BEST.OH BOY, I GET TO slave over a hot oven
because no one else knows how toCOOK DINNER!EVERY DAY IS a never-ending list of chores that earns you "oh boy!" a box of candy on MOTHER'S DAY.Hilarious photos of smiling moms enhance the
combination of the grumbling reality of motherhood sandwiched between the saccharine sweet ideal. Let's hear it for Mom. She washes your clothes; she cooks your favorite meals; she keeps a
happy, well-run home, and she does it all with a smile. She must enjoy picking up your dirty socks, right? Not so fast. As Mother Knows Best shows, Mom has other ideas about motherhood, even if
you never hear her complain.At first glance, Mother Knows Best appears to be a homey collection of happy sentiments voiced by contented mothers of a bygone era. Look closer, though, and
literally read between the lines to find out what Mom really thinks about cooking, cleaning, and motherhood in general. Only Mom could deliver these funny lines with such a serene smile:
MOTHERdoes all the work but Father still thinks heKNOWS BEST.OH BOY, I GET TO slave over a hot oven because no one else knows how toCOOK DINNER!EVERY DAY IS a never-ending list of chores that
earns you "oh boy!" a box of candy on MOTHER'S DAY.Hilarious photos of smiling moms enhance the combination of the grumbling reality of motherhood sandwiched between the saccharine sweet ideal.