
The banking markets of Asia contain some of the largest opportunities in the world. These riches, however, come with risks and volatility. As the Asian banking markets try to leapfrog their way into the 21st century, boom-bust cycles will reoccur. Succeeding in this lucrative, but challenging, environment requires bankers to fundamentally change their game. No longer is it sufficient to stake out markets and focus on increasing volume. Winners will be those who put focused profit strategies at the center of their agendas. They will be the banks who "acquire a new profit mindset".

This sequel to Banking in Asia: The End of Entitlement clearly lays out how Asian banking has evolved since the crisis of the mid-1990s and describes the new skills needed to succeed. In this remarkably detailed and fact-based analysis, the McKinsey & Company authors describe the fundamental forces shaping the banking markets in this dynamic region. Central to this change is the growing role of mergers, acquisitions and alliances in executing the strategies of leading banks. Covering the major countries and banking businesses in Asia, highlights include:

  • Personal Financial Services: Many Aspire, Few Attain&gt
  • Asset Management: Turning Savers into Investors
  • &gt
  • China: A Giant in a Delicate Balance
  • &gt
  • India: Market of Extremes
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  • Cross-Border M&A: Buyer Beware
  • &gt
  • International Alliances: Not for the Faint-Hearted

This is a required addition to the library of anyone involved in the future of Asian banking.

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