Twenty years ago, FLY FISHING IN SALT WATER pioneered this new territory for fly fishers. Now, with over forty thousand copies sold, this comprehensive volume on saltwater fly fishing is
available as a handy and inexpensive paperback. In clear, practical terms and helpful photographs and line drawings, master fly fisherman Lefty Kreh discusses:
· all the major saltwater species - bonefish, tarpon, striped bass, bluefish, salmon, permit, snook, sharks, cobia, tuna, billfish
· how to fish from boats
· how to wade the flats
· how to select and use the rods, reels, lines, leaders in a variety of situations
· the flies in full color
Lefty provides superb advice about how to make the long casts necessary for fishing the fly in salt water, how to "tease" sailfish and other large fish to within fly-casting range, how to
chum, and how to tie the necessary knots for saltwater fishing. New chapters include Knots and Leaders, Flies, Tackle, Inshore Fly Fishing, and Boats. FLY FISHING IN SALT WATER is based on
firsthand experience by an acknowledged master. It is the saltwater fly fisher's bible.