Cannibal Holocaust
$675 -
Performing Femininity: Woman As Performer in Early Russian Cinema
$4,455 -
Global Image Wars: Geopolitics and Post-9/11 Visual Culture
$5,625 -
$675 -
Film Music in ’minor’ National Cinemas
$1,798 -
Studying Waltz With Bashir
$675 -
The Popular French Cinema: From the Classical to the Trans-national
$1,260 -
All I Need to Know I Learned from the Wizard of Oz: Life Lessons from over the Rainbow
$770 -
$675 -
Screening the Paris Suburbs: From the Silent Era to the 1980s
$4,950 -
Silent Cinema: Before the Pictures Got Small
$990 -
Zombies: The Ultimate Visual History
$1,575 -
The History of Cinema: A Very Short Introduction
$376 -
Dying in Full Detail: Mortality and Digital Documentary
$1,168 -
Rome On Film: A Reader
$6,300 -
Doing Text: Media After the Subject
$4,050 -
Breakfast at Tiffany’s: The Official 50th Anniversary Companion
$1,225 -
The Environmental Documentary: Cinema Activism in the 21st Century
$5,850 -
Once upon a Time in the West: Shot by Shot
$2,625 -
Global Image Wars: Geopolitics and Post-9/11 Visual Culture