The Techno Primer: The Essential Reference for Loop-Based Music Styles

The Techno Primer: The Essential Reference for Loop-Based Music Styles
NT $ 698


The Techno Primer is a complete guide to the world of loop-based music styles. This book/CD pack contains an enhanced CD with techno music tracks in a variety of styles - as well as video clips and a demo version of the ACID(TM) XPress program by Sonic Foundry , a history of electronic music, and a detailed guide to techno styles. Also includes information on interactive music on the web, digital recording via the internet, understanding MIDI, the art of sound design, the DJ drummer concept and more. Features interviews with leading techno artists, producers and DJs (such as Jamie Myerson, Misstress Barbara, Code 911 and others), plus a comprehensive glossary of terms used in techno culture.
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