Bookstores are filled with volumes on love and romance. But where can the broken-hearted find solace? Who consoles the dumped and discarded? Where can those plotting revenge turn for help?
Enter Love Stinks, the ideal book for the betrayed.Author Gin Sander has collected more than 200 jaded quotes on love's fleeting nature, the pointlessness of marriage, and the delights of a
carefully plotted revenge. Consider:o "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?" -Groucho Marxo "Your morals are like the roads through the Alps. They make
these hairpin turns." -Erica Jongo "Love is an exploding cigar we all willingly smoke." -Lynda BarryOrganized by topics, from envy to sex, the delightfully rotten quotes in Love Stinks provide
solace for everyone who's felt the sting of love gone bad.