The temples of Abu Simbel have fascinated travelers since they became known to the Western world in the nineteenth century. And since the 1960s when the rising waters created by the Aswan High
Dam threatened to engulf the site, visitors' imaginations have been captivated by the elaborate international rescue operation, described by the author as "a great moment that no one will ever
forget: the most advanced technology of the twentieth century was used to save one of the most amazing achievements of a civilization that preceeded it by 3,300 years."
Special features of this book include: Bilingual edition in English and Arabic; Brief, clear history of the ancient kingdom of Nubia and its relationship with Egypt; Description and explanation
of the High Dam project - a modern national project on the scale of the pyramids themselves; Extensive details of the salvage operation of the temples at Abu Simbel; An informative biography of
Ramesses II, including information regarding his massive building programs, military campaigns, and his family affairs; and Detailed descriptions of the artistic highlights in both the southern
temple, dedicated to Ramesses himself, and the northern temple, dedicated to his great queen, Nefertari.