
What would happen if Martha Stewart were abducted by a tribe of trailer park rabbis? Judaikitsch! Filled to the brim with crafts, collectibles, and creative cooking, here s the ultimate guide to a funky, festive Jewish lifestyle. From everyday kitsch to holiday entertaining-and loads of mishegoss in between-Judaikitsch asks the all-important question: Why eat sushi when there s Jewshi? Put away that mizrach and hang up the Miz-Rock. Host a Sukkot Luau featuring a Poi Vey Pineapple Mold, and celebrate Rosh Mexicana with a heaping helping of Hava Tequila Pie. Guaranteed to amuse, Judaikitsch encourages readers to don their Starlet of David Sunglasses, buckle their Borscht Belts, and enjoy a ride through a world where Elvis sports sidelocks and cats and dogs wear yarmulkes. At last, essential reading for the Divine Miss Martha in us all.
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