Los Diez Secretos Del Amor Abundante

Los Diez Secretos Del Amor Abundante
NT $ 453
  • 作者:Adam J.Jackson
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2001-03-01
  • 語言:西班牙文
  • ISBN10:8478082395
  • ISBN13:9788478082391
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 158頁 / 13.3 x 21 x 0.6 cm / 普通級


  This parable features 10 keys to finding real love, in the form of a conversation between a young man and a Chinese wise man who discuss the secrets of true love and happiness through the powers of thought, respect, giving, friendship, letting go, communication, commitment, passion, and trust.

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