Scholastic Dinosaurs A To Z: The Ultimate Dinosaur Encyclopdia

Scholastic Dinosaurs A To Z: The Ultimate Dinosaur Encyclopdia
NT $ 803
  • 作者:Don/ SovakJan (ILT)Lessem
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2003-09-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0439165911
  • ISBN13:9780439165914
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 224頁 / 22.9 x 29.8 x 1.9 cm / 普通級 / 初版


  Scholastic Dinosaurs A to Z presents an enormous amount of dinosaur information for budding paleontologists and amateur fossil hunters. Arranged alphabetically, this book contains more than 700 entries of every creature that has scientifically been deemed a dinosaur as well as those that are commonly mistaken for dinosaurs. This easy-to-navigate organization allows readers of all ages to glean as much or as little information about each animal as they need.

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