For serious students of the game who are struggling to improve their overall performance, this unique guide teaches intermediate to better golfers how to get the most out of their abilities and
lower their scores. Patrick J. Cohn's Peak Performance Golf emphasizes a multidimensional approach to training and overall preparation--the same type of program several PGA Tour pros
have used to reach their personal peak and maintain consistently high levels of performance. Peak Performance Golf outlines eight specific areas that every serious golfer should
incorporate into his or her game, from getting the most out of taking lessons, to learning sound practice habits, to integrating mental training, physical fitness, and good nutrition--all of
which are as critical to success for weekend foursomes as they are for tournament golfers. This goal-oriented, practical plan enables serious amateur players to prepare like the pros and take
their games to the next level without spending more time practicing than they do already. Patrick J. Cohn, PhD, is a leading sports and golf psychologist who works with golfers on the PGA,
LPGA, and BUY.COM tours and heads Peak Performance Sports in Orlando, Florida. He is the author of The Mental Game of Golf and coauthor of The Mental Art of Putting.