Abloom & Awry
$560 -
Our Lady of Not Asking Why
$720 -
Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Other Poems
$525 -
Bicycle Thieves
$663 -
Further Problems With Pleasure
$1,748 -
Selected Poems 1962-1985
$928 -
The Last Cigarette on Earth: A Book of Poems
$558 -
The Essential Poet’s Glossary
$560 -
Train Ride to Bucharest
$698 -
Late Beauty
$560 -
The Codexmojaodicus
$558 -
Perhaps Bag
$698 -
White Nights
$628 -
$525 -
On the Edge of No Answer: Prose Poems
$560 -
On Walking On
$593 -
No Dictionary of a Living Tongue
$593 -
Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada
$698 -
Night Vision
$770 -
Veinte Poemas De Amor Y Una Canción Desesperada: Library Edition