The best-selling author of The Book of Forms -- now in a third edition -- has created the same codification and systematization for all nonfiction forms of writing, and for all forms of fiction
other than poetry. In The Book of Literary Terms, Lewis Turco provides a comprehensive guide to, and definitions of all significant terms, forms, and styles in all genres of literature except
poetry. For each, all sub-genres and their historical examples are described and defined, all significant terms explicated, and all important styles represented.
Wonderful for browsing as well as for reference, it is a book for students and teachers of all genres of literature, for serious general readers of literature, and for writers and critics.
Turco writes in an authoritative yet engaging manner, providing endless unsuspected opportunities and avenues for readers to explore.
From abecedarius, Bardolatry, cliffhanger, docudrama, epistle, foreshadowing, gagline, hypallage, invective, jestbook, kabuki play, litotes, and muckraker, to non sequitur, one-liner, pulp
fiction, quartet, recognition scene, spoonerism, triple-decker, Utopian novel, videotape, writing surfaces, yellow journalism, and zeugma, and including everything in-between, it's all there in
The Book of Literary Terms.