Collector Books published Mr. Badders's first book on inkwells over two years ago and sales of that book have been very good. Now Veldon Badders has completed an all-new book. This fresh look
at inkwells was compiled not to replace Book I, but to be a companion volume; it does not include any repeats of that first book. Book II has over 750 full-color photographs complete with
sizes, dates, composition, histories of manufacture, and of course, current market values. Also included in this beautiful book are chapters on pottery & porcelain, crystal, glass, copper,
brass, cast iron, wood, stone, plastic, and more. Inkwells are made of virtually every material imaginable and have been produced for centuries - the first dating back into the 1600s. Current
values range from as little as $20.00 into the thousands of dollars. Inkwell collectors need this resourceful book to keep abreast of ever-changing values. 1998 values.