
My Body Science系列原版為日文,分別由日本知名童書插畫家執筆,用各種動物與人體的例子,如放屁、大便、鼻孔、肚臍……用有趣的方式,教小朋友各種與身體有關的知識。

Everyone Poops,作者五味太郎(Gomi Taro)
The Gas We Pass : The Story of Farts,作者長新太(Shinta Cho)
The Holes in Your Nose,作者柳生弦一郎 (Yagyu, Genichiro)
The Soles of Your Feet,作者柳生弦一郎 (Yagyu, Genichiro)
All About Scabs,作者柳生弦一郎 (Yagyu, Genichiro)
Contemplating Your Bellybutton,作者Jun Nanao
Breasts,作者柳生弦一郎 (Yagyu, Genichiro)

A delightful introduction to the world of bellybuttons answers such common childhood questions as 'Why do some stick out?' and 'Why do I have to keep it clean anyway?' in a humorous story translated from the original Japanese text.

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