”故事敘述一位西班牙安達魯西亞地區的牧羊男孩追尋夢想,前往金字塔的歷程。男孩因渴望認識世界、四處旅行而中斷修道院的學習生涯,開始牧羊的生活。牧羊少年因緣際會遇見了「塞勒姆國王」、非洲的水晶商人、前往綠洲的駱駝商隊…。 歷經種種考驗與數種發展另種生涯的可能,少年仍憑著毅力、熱情與堅持,不管是繞多少路,作多少調整,仍未忘卻自己的初衷,朝向夢想前行。
Paulo Coelho’s enchanting novel has inspired a devoted following around the world. This story, dazzling in its simplicity and wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who
travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an Alchemist, all
of whom point Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way But what starts out as a journey to
find worldly goods turns into a meditation on the treasures found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story of Santiago is art eternal testament to the transforming power of our
dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.”