Step-by-step, these twenty lessons, with charming and helpful illustrations, will enable you, regardless of previous language training, to read, write and speak in German in the
shortest possible time.
The Cortina Method has been time-tested and is the quick, easy and natural way to learn a language. It has received the approval of teachers, students, schools, colleges and business
firms all over the world.
Guide To Pronunciation And Spelling
Explains how to pronounce the sounds, words and phases of the language through simple phonetic symbols based on English spelling. Rules of spelling are also explained.
Twenty Conversational Lessons
These lessons include useful vocabularies and everyday conversations. Alongside of each word and sentence is given the correct pronunciation and English translation. Easy-to-understand
grammatical footnotes are combined in this Method to make your language study effective and interesting.
Complete Reference Grammar
Provides a complete and clear explanation of every rule of structure. It is cross-referenced with and adds to the explanation in the conversational lesson footnotes.
Bi-Lingual Dictionary
German-English/English-German Dictionary contains all useful words and terms you need to know, so you can locate them easily.
Over 2,500,000 Cortina Method language books have been sold.
Free cassette in German to the buyer of this language book starts you speaking German almost overnight! Cortina Institute, originator of the recorded method of learning languages, would like
you, as a student of the Cortina Method, to have one of their language cassettes. Therefore, you have this special opportunity.