A scathing comedy of social striving in the suburbs, Absurd Person Singular follows the fortunes of three couples who turn up in each other's kitchens on three successive Christmases, to
hilarious and devastating effect.
$405 -
Jeeves and Wooster: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
Powder River Season 6: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
$350 -
Jagadamba: The Kasturba Story
$753 -
A Charles Dickens Holiday Sampler: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
Applied Theatre: Performing Health and Wellbeing
$1,348 -
$405 -
Red Speedo
$523 -
Jarrem Lee - Ghost Hunter: A Radio Dramatization - A Ghost from the Past / The Death Knell / All Cats Are Grey / The Radinski Au
$350 -
The Innocence of Father Brown: The Invisible Man / The Wrong Shape / The Sins of Prince Saradine / The Hammer of God: A Radio Dr
$350 -
Five Plays: Pocatello / the Few / a Great Wilderness / Rest / a Permanent Image
$768 -
H. G. Wells’s the War of the Worlds: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
Barbecue / Bootycandy
$593 -
The Innocence of Father Brown: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
Theatre for Children in Hospital: The Gift of Compassion
$2,565 -
A Visit with Aesop
$350 -
Oscar Wilde’s the Canterville Ghost
$350 -
Powder River Season 5: A Radio Dramatization
$350 -
The Whitechapel Vampire / the Tragic Revenge of Charles Maynard / the Waxing of the Moon / the Last Stand: A Radio Dramatization