How Communication Scholars Think and Act: A Lifespan Perspective
$4,048 -
Monolingualism – Bilingualism – Multilingualism: The Teacher’s Perspective
$2,023 -
Indiscipline in Young EFL Learner Classes
$4,500 -
Computer Assisted Language Learning
$7,200 -
A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts at the Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria
$5,355 -
Banding As Communication
$2,923 -
The Broadview Pocket Guide to Writing
$998 -
Complex Predicates in Q’anjob’al: Resultatives, End-states Positionals, Causatives, Monitorings, Ditransitives
$6,390 -
Language and Culture at Work
$2,248 -
The Routledge Intermediate Arabic Reader
$2,248 -
The World of Words: An Introduction to Language in General and to English and American in Particular
$2,383 -
Colloquial Filipino
$3,553 -
Colloquial Zulu
$1,978 -
Syntactic Analysis: An HPSG-Based Approach
$5,040 -
Comparative Grammar of Arabic Varieties
$2,518 -
Translation and Migration
$1,978 -
Mapping Media Ecology: Introduction to the Field
$2,383 -
Teaching and Researching Speaking
$6,750 -
After the Program Era: The Past, Present, and Future of Creative Writing in the University
$1,575 -
How Communication Scholars Think and Act: A Lifespan Perspective