1984 is one of the most foreboding books ever written. It tells the nightmarish struggle of a minor functionary, Winston Smith, in a totalitarian state, the Republic of Oceania. Smith joins a covert brotherhood in search for the truth only to find himself an enemy of the state.
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Other People: Takes & Mistakes
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American Writers Classics
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The Dover Anthology of American Literature: From 1923 to the Present
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American Literature in the World: An Anthology from Anne Bradstreet to Octavia Butler
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Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears
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Kapow! Poetry & Comix
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Kingdom of the Young
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Sontag on Film
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Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry
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Solutions and Other Problems
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The Civil War Era: A Historical Exploration of Literature
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Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens
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The Trouble With Post-Blackness