The Art of Racing in the Rain
- 作者:Garth Stein
- 出版日期:2009-03-05
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0007281196
- ISBN13:9780007281190
- 裝訂:平裝 / 336頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: he thinks and feels in nearly human ways. He has educated himself by watching extensive television, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver. Through Denny, Enzo realizes that racing is a metaphor: that by applying the techniques a driver would apply on the race track, one can successfully navigate the ordeals and travails one encounters in life.
Enzo relates the story of his human family, sharing their tragedies and triumphs. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations as a dog, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family.
The Art of Racing in the Rain is a testament to a man's life, given by his dog. But it is also a testament to the dog, himself. Though Enzo cannot speak, he understands everything that happens around him as he bears witness to his master's problems. His enforced muteness only refines his listening ability, and allows him to understand many of life's nuances that are lost on most humans. With humour, sharp observation, and a courageous heart, Enzo guides the reader to the bittersweet yet ultimately satisfying conclusion: there are no limitations to what we can achieve, if we truly know where we want to be.
賈斯.史坦Garth Stein
史坦的作品包括以下三本小說:2008年出版的《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing in the Rain)、2005年出版的《單身伊凡》(How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets)——獲頒2006年太平洋西北書商公會圖書獎(Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award),並榮獲美國獨立書商協會選書(Book Sense Pick)之精裝與平裝小說類選書,以及1998年出版的《渡鴉偷月》(Raven Stole the Moon)。此外,還著有一本長篇劇本《瓊斯兄弟》(Brother Jones),此劇於2005二月年在洛杉磯首演,被《洛杉磯時報》(L.A. Weekly)形容為「劇力萬均」。
史坦出生並生長於西雅圖。他的母親是阿拉斯加南部的特領吉族印第安人(Tlingit Indian)與愛爾蘭混血,來自布魯克林的父親則是奧地利猶太移民的後代。史坦長大後移居紐約長達十八年,目前又重返西雅圖與家人同住,還養了一隻叫彗星(Comet)的狗。