Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
- 作者:Jeff Kinney
- 出版社:Penguin Group UK
- 出版日期:2009-01-05
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:9780141324
- ISBN13:9789780141325
- 裝訂:平裝 / 224頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
Greg的生活冒險與學校經歷是由美國漫畫家Jeff Kinney所創作出來的,Diary of a Wimpy Kid漫畫系列在2004年開始在Funbrain.com這個專為兒童與老師設計的網站中連載,由於故事內容貼近生活、用語幽默、加上線條簡單的趣味圖像風格,受到廣大青少年讀者的歡迎,成書之後狂掃各大書店暢銷榜,銷量已經超過百萬本,作者打算出版一系列共五本書,加上一本"Do-It Yourself"的DIY主題書。
看這個Wimpy Kid的漫畫日記,不但幽默好笑又精彩,貼近美國文化的用語對話,還可以讓學到實用的英文會話!
Secrets have a way of getting out, especially when a diary is involved.
Whatever you do, don't ask Greg Heffley how he spent his summer vacation, because he definitely doesn't want to talk about it.
As Greg enters the new school year, he's eager to put the past three months behind him . . . and one event in particular.
Unfortunately for Greg, his older brother, Rodrick, knows all about the incident Greg wants to keep under wraps. But secrets have a way of getting out . . . especially when a diary is involved.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules chronicles Greg's attempts to navigate the hazards of middle school, impress the girls, steer clear of the school talent show, and most important, keep his secret safe.
Jeff Kinney
生於1971年,畢業於美國馬里蘭州立大學,取得computer science/criminal justice雙學位。大學時期,即在校園報紙《Diamondback》以漫畫專欄「Igdoof」初試啼聲,旋即獲得《華盛頓郵報》和《巴爾的摩太陽報》的介紹。
Jeff Kinney is the author of the bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Diary of a Wimpy Kid was his debut novel and the comic adventures of his protagonist, Greg Heffley, began online in 2004 on funbrain.com where 70,000 children read about him every day. To date the series has sold over 11 million copies in the US alone. Jeff is an online developer and designer. He lives with his family in southern Massachusetts, USA.