Lola Love- And the Rainbow Hearts
- 作者:Lisa Clarke
- 出版日期:2009-02-05
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0007280696
- ISBN13:9780007280698
- 裝訂:平裝 / 144頁 / 19.6 x 12.8 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
Lola Love’s star is on the up! Now she’s rocking out on the gee-tar with new buds Bell, Sadie and her BF Angel, she really feels like she has found her niche. But will pink hair dye, three chords and a bucket full of positive thinking be enough for their band, The Rainbow Hearts, to win the Missy Magazine Battle of the Bands? Top prize - a meeting with one Mr Tom Tootie - Lola’s guitar god idol boy and only boy-type in the whole world yummier than Jake Farrell! The girls needs to agree on a song and fast or Eva Satine and her band of Negative Ninas will scoop the prize and Lola’s brand-spanking new good mood to boot.
The second Lola Love story from the author of cool life guides for today’s pink ladies, Think Pink, Beauty*Licious, It’s a Girl Thing and Viva la Diva, Lisa Clark, this funny, fearless and fabulous story is the perfect pick me up for anyone a little bit confused about that pesky thing called life.