- 作者:Malcolm Gladwell
- 出版社:BT International
- 出版日期:2008-11-18
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0316036692
- ISBN13:9780316036696
- 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
成功和你想的 不一樣!
Why do some people achieve so much more than others? Can they lie so far outside the ordinary? What is the secret of their success?
In this provocative and inspiring book, Malcolm Gladwell examines everyone from business giants to scientific geniuses, sports stars to musicians, and reveals what they have in common. He looks behind the spectacular results, the myths and the legends to show what really explains exceptionally successful people.
Gladwell argues that, when we try to understand success, we normally start with the wrong question. We ask ’what is this person like?’ when we should really be asking ’where are they from?’ The real secret of success turns out to be surprisingly simple, and it hinges on a few crucial twists in people’s life stories – on the culture they grow up in and the way they spend their time.
What does Bill Gates have in common with the Beatles? How does your IQ relate to your salary? What can a linguist tell us about airline safety? How does the way your child speaks to an adult affect their success in life? What do rice paddies have to do with maths results? And how can you predict a maths star without even making them take a test? Malcolm Gladwell has the answers.
This book really will change the way you think about your life. And it will challenge you to make the most of your own potential.
麥爾坎.葛拉威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)
1963年生於英國,在加拿大成長,1984年畢業於多倫多大學歷史學系,1987年至1996年間擔任《華盛頓郵報》記者,橫跨商業、科技領域報導,後來升任紐約市分社主任。現任《紐約客》雜誌撰述委員。葛拉威爾善於分析生活中一些難以表述,卻無所不在的現象。他曾於1999年以波沛爾(Ron Popeil)的人物特寫,贏得「美國國家雜誌獎」最高榮譽;並於2005年登上《時代》雜誌100位最具影響力人物榜。
2000 年首部著作《引爆趨勢》(Tipping Point),試圖解讀外在世界的變化,一出版隨即登上《紐約時報》暢銷書榜第一名,獲得美國《商業週刊》、《財星》雜誌等極度好評,「Tipping Point」一詞,更成為商業界一再傳頌和強調的觀念。2005年著作《決斷2秒間》(Blink),轉而分析內在世界的運作,同樣高踞書榜第一名,再度引起廣大回響。