本書是村上春樹的長篇戀愛推理小說,故事描寫一位 22 歲女孩小菫有生以來第一次開始戀愛。「就像筆直掃過廣大平原的龍捲風一般熱烈的戀愛。那將所到之處一切有形的東西毫不保留地擊倒,一一捲入空中,蠻不講理地撕裂,體無完膚地粉碎。而且刻不容緩毫不放鬆地掠過大洋,毫不慈悲地摧毀高棉的吳哥窟(Angkor
Wat),熱風將印度叢林中整群可憐的老虎燒焦,並化為波斯沙漠中的狂沙暴,將某個地方少數民族的城邦要塞都市整個掩埋在沙裡。一個壯觀的紀念碑式戀愛。至於戀愛對象則是比小菫大 17 歲的已婚者,再補充說明的話,是一位女性。這是一切事情開始的地方,也(幾乎)是一切事情結束的地方。」
A college student, identified only as “K,” falls in love with his classmate, Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments–until she meets Miu,
an older and much more sophisticated businesswoman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, “K” is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into
her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human