Mind Maps for Kids has taken the education world by storm, selling over 20,500 copies in the first four months of publication. Back by popular demand, Mind Map genius Tony Buzan now works his
magic on the area of learning that most worries children, parents and teachers alike: revision. With Tony Buzan it’s all brain, no pain! Summary of contents Children, their parents and teachers
are all accutely aware of the pressures to succeed in school exams but do not always have the best tools to revise effectively. Mind Mapping is a breakthrough system of planning and note-taking
that cuts revision time in half with double the results.
Tony Buzan shows just how easy Mind Mapping is and how kids can use it to: / Improve memory and concentration / Pass exams with flying colours / Remember facts and figures with ease / Make
clearer and better notes / Understand concepts and think laterally / Unlock the imagination / Improve concentration and save time / Plan answers calmly during exams / Make revision fun and
enjoyable Mind Maps for Kids: Revision is the shortcut to success in exams that will put your child one step - or even miles! - ahead.