Mother Goose: 2 Book Pack: Let’s Move & Let’s Sing (書+CD)

Mother Goose: 2 Book Pack: Let’s Move & Let’s Sing (書+CD)
NT $ 560


Preschoolers will be excited to sing-along with these original songs, and dance to the music. Here's a great way to get children up and moving with the songs, dances, and activities featured in this lively book and audio CD. Get ready to sing along with everyone's favorite childhood songs highlighted in this dynamic book. This sing-along CD features such favorites as Baa Baa Black Sheep, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.


2 Book pack in full-color with CD and storage tray (L-5 1/2" x W-3 1/4" x H-8") includes two thin puffy books, 36 pages each (Reading level: Ages 3 and up, trim size 5 1/2" x 6 3/4")


Studio Mouse Productions

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