小丑魚尼莫從小就與爸爸馬林相依為命長大。馬林對尼莫更是呵護備至,深怕失去尼莫。而尼莫為了抗拒父親的溺愛,卻不甚落入了潛水夫的手中,賣到了人類世界中。於是,小丑魚馬林與天使魚桃莉一路前往澳洲的雪梨,一場尋找愛子的大冒險從此展開。改編自迪士尼皮克斯著名動畫「海底總動員」,還記得那個凡事悲觀的小丑魚爸爸馬林、健忘的桃莉,勇敢的尼莫,聒噪的海鷗,充滿歡樂與驚險的旅程就在你我的眼前。24頁精美淺顯的故事與有聲音樂光碟,我們要讓您一同經歷這場刺激的旅行。這是一本適合全家一同閱讀 的有聲書,千萬不要錯過!
It’s Me, Clover
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Baxter Is Missing
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Sister Spirit
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Ninja in the Kitchen
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Ticket to Ride
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Stop and Go!
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Jorge el curioso construye una casa en un arbol / Curious George Builds a Tree House
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Carmen the Cheerleading Fairy
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Jake O’shawnasey
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Dinosaurs in Space: Out of This World!
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Cars: Three Tales of Speed: a 3-in-1 Listen-along Reader
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Sam Battles the Machine!
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Celery and Winston: Exactly the Same?
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Are You My Brown Bear?
$175 -
The Terrible Two Go Wild
$490 -
Greenie Grows a Garden
$455 -
Meet the Beat Bugs
$119 -
Buzz, Bee!
$140 -
Banana Muffins and Other Stories
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Howl at the Moon