The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace
- 作者:Alan Briskin/著
- 出版社:BK
- 出版日期:1998-06-30
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:157675040X
- ISBN13:9781576750407
- 裝訂:平裝 / 294頁 / 23 x 15 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
”Alan Briskin has produced a tour de force...a way of looking at ourselves, our work, and the outside world so that we do not violate our solus. It\’s a stunning achievement.”
--------Milton Moskowitz, coauthor of The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America
Alan Briskin shows how the modern organization has gradually increased its demands on us--beginning with our bodies, then our minds, and now our souls. Weaving together lessons from history, psychology,and management theory, with moving personal stories, he sends a message that encourages individuals to maintain their spiritual integrity and keep their values alive.
Rather than solve the conventional question organizations have been asking for years--how can we change people?--Briskin examines how organizations can better reflect personal and human values in the workplace. He offers practical tools for more actively taking up our work roles and bringing more of our experience and imagination into play.
”Briskin brilliantly integrates the fields of psychology, physics, management, literature, and philosophy with his rich organizational experience and penetrating insight. As an added bonus,
the book is beautifully written, with Briskin\’s exceptional humor peeking through at just the right moments.”
-------Rebecca A. Proehl, Chair, Management Program, St. Mary\’s College of California
”Briskin respects the intelligence of the reader by arguing against simple solutions and false promises. Istrongly recommend this book.”
-------Peter Block, author of Stewardship and The Empowered Manager .
Alan Briskin, founder of Alan Briskin & Associates in Oakland, California, consults to corporate, nonprofit, and public service organizations on navigating change, defining work roles, and redesigning work settings. A former director of the Center for Organizational Studies, he is a professional associate of The Grubb Institute, an international research and training institute based in London, England.
Cover design by Paula Goldstein.